Packages – 2025 Resort Pricing Packages

All-inclusive Island Rental Base rate $1995.00 per night for up to 4 guests. We can accommodate up to 8 guests for an additional cost and offer discounts for couples.

All inclusive island rental base,

for up to 4 guests

No. of Nightstotal price
3 Nights$5985
4 Nights$7980
5 Nights$9975
6 Nights $11970
7 Nights$13965

Honeymoon/special occasion for 2

with complimentary massage

No. of Nightstotal price
3 Nights$4785
4 Nights$6380
5 Nights$7975
6 Nights $9570
7 Nights$11165

VIP for 2,

Special occasion

with complimentary massage and helicopter arrival.
No. of Nightstotal price
3 Nights$7785
4 Nights$9380
5 Nights$10975
6 Nights $12570
7 Nights$14165

5 Nights -

Land & Sea

3 nights Island,
2 nights Jaguar Reef Deluxe Suite

No. of GuestsNo. of Nightstotal price
2 People5$5485
4 People5$7385

6 Nights -

Mountain & Sea

4-nights Island,
2 nights Sleeping Giant Creekside

No. of GuestsNo. of Nightstotal price
2 People6$7080
4 People6$9380